Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This blog post is for the athletes who have registered for the charity run and met the fundraising requirement of a minimum $150.00 for the Canadian Cancer Society.  Please note: registration for this event closed on Sunday July 7th and we are not accepting any last minute requests due to logistics and planning involved.


  1. Trent
  2. Rene
  3. Sarah
  4. Jamie
  5. Ian
  6. Carrie
  7. Nathan
  8. Alana
  9. Kevin
  10. Kelly
  11. Terry
  12. Karen B
  13. Jody
  14. Alison
  15. Chris
  16. Ellen
  17. Stephanie
  18. Jana
  19. Crystal
  20. Dan
  21. Daniel
  22. Ron (volunteer leader)
  23. Warren (volunteer leader)


The Larch Hills Traverse is an epic point to point traverse on the Highland Ridge above Shuswap Lake between the communities of Salmon Arm and Sicamous.  The trail is 40km and has 5,000 feet ascent.  Thanks to the help from my friends (and just really good guys) Ron & Warren Ellis, of Eagle Homes.  These two local Salmon Arm brothers have kindly volunteered to lead us through the trails that make up their back yard.  We are grateful.

Please expect the run to take 5-6hrs.  We will have an aid station at the 1/2 way mark (20km) and where the 'offical' start of the Larch Hills Traverse sits.


Driver to meet at 7:00am at the Sicamous Beach:
Salomon Arm Volunteer Unit can drive 19 people;
Ellen can drive 4 people;

Ellen, Jana & possibly Alana - you will have to meet Sada (Ron's wife) at the Tim Horton's at the top of the hill in Salmon Arm 9:15am.  It is approx. 45min to the aid station.  You can jump into either Ellen or Sada's car (with the aid supplies) and head to the aid station.    We are aiming to meet you guys there at approx.10 - 10:30pm at which time Jana and Alana can jump in to run the last 20km with us.  Ellen, can you please take any leftover aid supplies back to the finish?


The CCS has been extremely supportive.  From assisting with online event setup and managing donations to donating items that will help make the experience more special and memorable for the runners.  The Volunteer Unit at the CCS in Salmon Arm have also shown their commitment, passion and faith in helping find a cure and supporting those who are in need by arranging volunteers to drive from Salmon Arm to Sicamous, pick up the runners and drive them back to Salmon Arm to start the run.  This way we can leave our cars at the finish for when we are done.  Many of these volunteers are cancer survivors who hold this cause very close to their hearts. 


Our event couldn't be possible without the support from our sponsors.  The people and business on this list care about the community, love trail runners and want to help give back and make a difference.  I feel fortunate to be aligned with these generous groups:



Change of Clothes for after the run;
Towel & swimsuit for the beach;
Snacks for the finish;
Water for the finish;
Food for 5-6hrs of running;
Fluid for the first 20km (refill at the half way mark)
First aid kit & blister pack;
Light colored clothing (30 degrees scheduled);
Poles (optional);
Camera / iphone;

ITINERARY (approx.)

5:30am - Depart Kelowna for Sicamous.  Plan for 1.5hrs or for an arrival time of 7:00am;
7:00am - meet at the Sicamous Beach.  Group talk before departing back to Salmon Arm.
7:15am - depart Sicamous with volunteers from the Cancer Volunteer Unit who will drive us to the start of the run in Salmon Arm.  Approx. 30mim
8:00am - start run.  Plan for 5-6hrs on your feet.
1-2pm - finish in Sicamous at our cars at the beach.  Hooray!  We did it!  Finishers Certificates.
2-3pm - swim, snacks, celebrate at the beach.
3pm - depart back to Kelowna.

2012 Charity Run from Kelowna to Naramata

It is really important that we all try to arrive early / on time.  We all need to work together to keep on schedule.  Please email me your cell phone numbers for emergency and/or for any logistical changes that may occur.  Also please put my number in your phone in the event you need to contact me:  250-878-1736.

Sunday is going to be an amazing and epic day where we build new memories.  We are fortunate to be able to blaze through the trails.  Feel the soil underfoot and the breeze in our hair.  Giving back to those in need feels good.  Pure & Simple.  It's takes special people like each of you to get involved and I am looking forward to running with everyone and keeping the spirit and true meaning behind this event.  It's where we celebrate, remember and fight back!

With gratitude,



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