Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ol' Stompin' Grounds

For the PACE training run today, we headed to Glenmore Highlands.  This is where it all began for me... where I first ventured into the wonderful sport of trail running.  At the time, Trent and I were only dating and I recalled many a 'date nights'... spending our Fridays doing a long run, then going for Vietnamese food and beer.  It was a very pivotal point in my life, really.  I found distance running and road riding as I was going through a major change in my life and discovering myself, you could say.  I also found a husband and best friend :)

Anyhow, I am grateful for my journey and I guess trail running really was more significant to me than I even realized back then, as discovering this sport really did change me.  Since then, I have invested the most significant amount of fitness time to trail running, among all the other activities I enjoy and building a dream career where I get to do what I love and help others.

So it felt good to be back in my ol' stompin' grounds with Trent and my friends.  We had a near epic day too.  It was really good!  I forgot just how great the trails are out towards McKinley and Clifton.  Sarah and Trent turned back to complete a 3hr training session and I stayed out with Hjalmar, Andrew and Roberta and Jennifer.  Roberta and Jenn are training for their first 50k and it was a privilege to be out there for 4.5hrs and witness them make their way through it.  There was mist, rain, sun and socializing in the air!  It was a really nice run today.

This week started off strong.  Tuesday I headed back to Glenmore and did a fast, steady 1:15hr tempo run on rolling terrain and I couldn't help but think "why couldn't have I felt this good two days ago at Sun Mountain!?".  But it didn't really matter and it just went to show that that is how it will be in Europe too.  Ups and downs.  Good and bad.  Regardless... I need to JUST RUN.

Wednesday was Paul's Torture Tomb Climbs.  I managed 5 repeats again and put 1000m in the bank and approx. 2hrs on my feet.  Thursday I only had time for yoga and I really wanted to just sneak in 1hr on Friday and get that '4th day' of running in... but it didn't happen.  Carter wanted a play date and with that I had some Monopoly to play!!  (we LOVE Monopoly in our house)  My Mom and I did go out for a walk last night and all 'n' all, spending time with family made me forget that I even planned on running.  Life is good!

Tomorrow we head to Armstrong for the 100k century ride.  I haven't done the full ride in 3yrs.  I have been riding shorter distances with Carter or my parents while Trent does the 100 every year, but this year Carter is going to aim for the 54k with my parents and Trent and I will get to both take part in the 100.  So two long days back to back and I will ride or run on Monday to make up for the Friday run I missed.  Not all is lost!

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