Tuesday, February 21, 2012


It all happend really fast.  Last week on Valentines Day to be exact!  Sarah and I received word that a local business would sponsor our return to the Alps so we could participate in the 2012 Gore-Tex Trans Alpine Run.  I think I speak for both Sarah and I, when I say that we were both overwhelmed with gratitude when Western Financial stepped forward with their offer of support.  It was one of those moments for me, where things just stood still.  I know that sounds cheesy, but this is a really unique opportunity.  What's more is for us to be in alignment with a company who's values are to support local athletes and give back to their community has really inspired us! 

After discussions with Sarah and Trent, (and hopping up and down like school girls) I talked to the rest of my family about our opportunity before accepting it.  I also really wanted to turn our journey back to the Alps into more than just running and fulfilling our dream again.  Sarah and I have proposed a Cancer campaign and together, we hope to raise awareness and funds for the BC Cancer Society. 

Western Financial has been gracious enough to support us and we want to pay it forward!  So not only will we embark on our journey back to the Alps this fall.  We are going to organize some fun, creative and healthy ways for our community to get involved in our training and support a great cause.  So stay tuned for dates on our climbathon and run to Naramata!
I do want to mention, however, a friend of ours who we met in the Alps last year has also played a big role with inspiring our choice to support the cancer society.  Mike Fitzpatrick and his friend will also be racing in the Alps this year as team MitoCanada and will be raising money for a very special cause as well.  Check it out and please support is you're able.  Thanks Mike for the inspiration and setting such a fine example. We are all really excited to follow your thoughtful and generous footsteps! 
Now as for the race this year... we are PUMPED!!!  The route is different.  It starts in Germany again and spends 4 days in Austria and 4 days in Italy.  The route is 50km further with the same, 50,000 feet, elevation.  We feel like we're ahead of the game already with ou trainin (relative to last year any how) and excited about building new memories and embracing such an incredible offer.  Thank you Western Financial!

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